[時事英文新聞] Capital Punishment

death penalty

[時事英文] Capital Punishment 死刑最近廢除死刑議題又再度引發社會激烈的討論 (好像每幾年就會有一次)。不管大家觀點如何,希望以下重新整理的一些資訊可以幫同學學習英文,關心社會大事及更了解此議題。

以下提供「中華民國法務部有關廢除死刑之政策」的前言(中英版) 和執行死刑的支持與反對論點的相關的英文單字及短文,目的是希望幫助各位不論是在英文口說上更得心應手,另外了解正反兩方的觀點也才能讓各位的辯證更有說服力。


The policy of the Ministry of Justice, Taiwan with regard to abolition of the death penalty


The death penalty, with its basis in the theory of retribution, uses state power to deprive convicted criminals of their right to live and separate them from society forever. Since capital punishment is cruel and goes against the notion that punishment should encompass education, the abolition of the death penalty has gradually become a global trend. Many democratic and industrialized countries have completely or conditionally abolished the death penalty.

•basis 基礎、根據
•the theory of retribution 應報理論、報應主義
•state power 國家公權力
•deprive 剝奪、奪走
•convicted criminals (被判有罪的)罪犯
•the right to live 生命權
•go against the notion that…
•encompass 具有;包含、包括
•the abolition of… 廢除…
•a global trend 世界潮流
•conditionally 有條件地
•abolish (v.) the death penalty 廢除死刑



Whether to completely do away with the death penalty depends on the development of society, the maturity of concepts of law and order, and popular consensus and support. In opinion polls in recent years, around 80% of respondents have consistently opposed the abolition of the death penalty. Opposition falls to 40%, however, if complementary measures such as increases in upper sentencing limits and the threshold for parole for life imprisonment are included.

•do away with sth 全面廢除某事
•depend on… 視…決定
•the development of society 社會發展
•the maturity of… …的成熟度
•the concepts of law and order 法治觀念
•popular consensus and support 民眾之共識與支持
•an opinion poll 民意調查
•respondent 受訪者、回答者
•opposition (n.) (強烈的)反對,反抗,對抗
•complementary measures 配套措施
•upper sentencing limits 提高有期徒刑上限
•the threshold for… …的門檻
•parole 有條件釋放,假釋
•life imprisonment 無期徒刑、終身監禁



Evidently, with consideration of complementary measures and education, public support for retribution may be reoriented and a general consensus formed on the gradual abolition of the death penalty. The Ministry of Justice will employ extensive discussion and research to form a popular consensus for abolition, and only then propose the necessary amendments to existing laws to extend human rights protection while maintaining public security.

•with consideration of 考量到…

•public support for sth 公眾對…的支持
•retribution (n.) 報應、報復
•reorient 重新定位
•a general consensus 普遍共識
•employ (v.) extensive discussion 進行廣泛討論
•form (v.) a popular consensus 形成大眾共識
•propose 提出、提議
•amendment 修正案;修改,修訂
•existing laws 現行法
•human rights protection 人權保障
•maintain public security 維護治安


文章出處: https://bit.ly/3RyWGtL


📌 Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty 死刑的利與弊

Arguments commonly made for supporting the death penalty are:


To serve as an example to other would-be criminals, to deter them from committing murder or terrorist acts


To punish the criminal for his/her act


To obtain retribution on behalf of the victims


Arguments Against 反駁論點

Arguments commonly made to abolish the death penalty are:


Death constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment” and the various means used by the state to kill a criminal are cruel.


The death penalty is used disproportionately against the poor, who cannot afford expensive legal counsel, as well as against racial, ethnic and religious minorities.


Wrongly convicted, innocent people have received death penalty sentences, and tragically, were killed by the state.


A rehabilitated criminal can make a morally valuable contribution to society.


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Image source: http://goo.gl/Nyv78y

心智圖詞彙攻略報名: ericvocab.com


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