歷年總統府的中秋節賀詞 (中英版)


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1. 中秋佳節平安、健康、快樂、幸福、美滿!

May peace, health, happiness, and joy be with you on Mid-Autumn Festival.


2. 期許國人,隨著中秋節來臨,踴躍購買庇護工場秋節商品、傳播愛心,進而協助身心障礙朋友自立。

We hope that, as the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, all will support sheltered workshops by purchasing festival products, spreading love and helping our disabled friends live independently.



3. 祝各位事業順利、身體健康、萬事如意、中秋佳節愉快。

Wish each of you health and success, and may everything be as you wish! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.


4. 在中秋節前夕,部分空軍官兵們,在月圓人團圓的中秋節,為了國家的安全,必須留在崗位上繼續執勤,以捍衛國家的領空,致無法休假與家人團聚,為國無私的付出與辛勞,表示敬佩和感謝。

On the eve of Mid-Autumn Festival, when we are with our families, members of our air force remain at their posts to defend our country’s airspace. We are grateful for their sacrifices and selfless service.



5. 祝大家身體健康,闔家平安,工作順利!勝利成功!

Good health and peace to all in your family. Success in your work and life!


6. 世界的月亮一樣圓-為台灣加油祈福。

The moon is round all around the world. Let’s pray for Taiwan (together as one).


7. 感恩與惜福-秋收月明慶團圓。

Be thankful and cherish our good fortune. May we have a bountiful autumn harvest, a bright moon, and a warm family reunion.



8. 月圓人圓,台灣好。

May the moon be round, people be together, and Taiwan be successful.



9. 月到中秋分外明,闔家團圓格外暖。

The moon is exceptionally bright mid-autumn, and reunions are especially warm.




10. 祝各位中秋佳節愉快,身心健康。

We wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and may health and happiness be with you all.


中秋節關鍵字一次學會: https://youtu.be/JxgDU5CIMSo


Source: https://www.president.gov.tw/NEWS/

Photo: https://www.president.gov.tw/


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